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Writer's pictureRebecca

Beth's Birth Story

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

I couldn’t have done it without your breathing and relaxation techniques and the education and knowing what the situation was at the time it was happening!

My waters broke at home and within 30 minutes I went from no contractions to contracting 3 minutes apart. I kept my cool with the breathing technique and knowing my body was made for this, using some of your affirmations. I was in the birth centre in derby and I had your knowledge to help me make all the decisions that were necessary for me and baby at the time of my labour, E.g examinations only when I wanted them, injection for placenta was declined, aromatherapy oils, using the birthing pool to labour in, and genuinely just trusting my body and my baby as a team! I chose gas and air for pain relief and the rest was all mindset and breathing to get me through.

I gave my birth to a healthy boy at 9lb 6oz after 3.5 hours of labour, and watched him come out as I lay on my side

I was stitched up after the birth and used my blanket of relaxation to take with me in my mind!

Thank you so much for everything, we look forward to joining baby and mum yoga when he’s 3 months old.

Join our mum and baby yoga classes here

Beth's Birth Story
New born baby

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