Mums often send me their birthing stories but this amazing mum (Danielle) has wrote a poem that I am sure will touch your heart and resonate just as it did me.
“Missed you”
Go to sleep
Let me rest
Why only settle
Upon my chest?
Feeding finished
Your big eyes close
Little snores come
From your tiny nose
A warm, safe cot
Waits for you
A cosy blanket
To snuggle into
Do I dare
Put you down?
Watching closely
For a wince or frown
Slowly slowly
We come apart
Yet still connected
Heart to heart
You’re in your bed
It’s a win for mummy
You should sleep well
With your full tummy
Quick, quick
I’ve got some time
Do I do the chores
Or just unwind?
Despite the comfort I find
In a stretch, a snooze
I’m still listening out
For your ahhs and oohs
When you start to stir
And open your eyes
I take a deep breath
And I realise
You’ve become a limb
An extension of me
I no longer need
To have both hands free
Whether it’s been
Five minutes or longer
I know that sleep
Makes you bigger and stronger
But that doesn’t mean
That with each passing second
I’m patiently waiting
To be finally beckoned
When the time comes
For me to hold you again
I smile with relief
You’ll never hear me complain
When you’re not in my arms
I have to admit
I hate being without you
I just can’t help it
We just need each other
I hope you feel it too
What I’m trying to say is…
I really missed you
Created by Danielle Hull